AsconfWithUnkownParam.seq - ASCONF chunk is received with unrecognized parameter which does not understand


  To check if ASCONF chunk is received with unrecognized parameter which
  does not understand, the receiver MUST send an Error Cause TLV with the
  error cause set to 'Unrecognized Parameters'.


  ./AsconfWithUnkownParam.seq [-tooloption ...] -pkt ./AsconfWithUnkownParam.def
    -tooloption : v6eval tool option
  See Also: ../common/STD_PKT_COMMON.def


  Association is established between endpoint A and B. Arrange date
  in endpoint A such that ASCONF chunk with unrecognized parameter for
  any ASCONF is sent to endpoint B.


  Endpoint A                           Endpoint B                ULP
  (ESTABLISHED)                        (ESTABLISHED)
  ASCONF          ---------------->
  (Unrecognized Parameter for any ASCONF)
                  <-----------------     ASCONF-ACK
                                         (Unrecognized Parameters Error)
  1. Send ASCONF chunk from endpoint A to B with unrecognized parameter
     for any ASCONF.
  2. Check A: ASCONF-ACK with Unrecognized Parameters error should be
     received at endpoint A.




  RFC 5061
  5.2.  Upon Reception of an ASCONF Chunk
    E4)  When the Sequence Number matches the next one expected, process
         the ASCONF as described below and after processing the ASCONF
         Chunk, append an ASCONF-ACK Chunk to the response packet and
         cache a copy of it (in the event it later needs to be
         V1)  Process the TLVs contained within the Chunk performing the
              appropriate actions as indicated by each TLV type.  The
              TLVs MUST be processed in order within the Chunk.  For
              example, if the sender puts 3 TLVs in one chunk, the first
              TLV (the one closest to the Chunk Header) in the Chunk MUST
              be processed first.  The next TLV in the chunk (the middle
              one) MUST be processed second and finally, the last TLV in
              the Chunk MUST be processed last.
         V2)  In processing the chunk, the receiver should build a
              response message with the appropriate error TLVs, as
              specified in the Parameter type bits, for any ASCONF
              Parameter it does not understand.  To indicate an
              unrecognized parameter, Cause Type 8 should be used as
              defined in the ERROR in Section, [RFC4960].  The
              endpoint may also use the response to carry rejections for
              other reasons, such as resource shortages, etc., using the
              Error Cause TLV and an appropriate error condition.