SCTP Conformance Test For Path MTU Discovery

Tool Version :REL_3_1_0
Test Program Version :REL_1_0_0

Start:2009/02/12 18:12:12
End :2009/02/12 18:27:20

No.Title ResultLogScriptPacketDump

ICMP Handling Procedures

1Ignore the ICMP message if the association cannot be foundPASSXXXLink0
2Handling ICMP message with Verification Tag is not 0 and does not matchPASSXXXLink0
3Handling ICMP message which is too short and Verification Tag is 0PASSXXXLink0
4Handling ICMP message with Verification Tag is 0 and the chunk type does not matchPASSXXXLink0
5Handling ICMP message with Verification Tag is 0 and the Initiate Tag does not matchPASSXXXLink0
6Handling ICMP "Fragmentation Needed" or "Packet Too Big" messagePASSXXXLink0
7Handling ICMP "Protocol Unreachable" or "Unrecognized next header type encountered" messagePASSXXXLink0

Path MTU Discovery

8ICMP Packet Too Big message is received with MTU larger than current MTUPASSXXXLink0
9ICMP Packet Too Big message is received with MTU less than default minimum PMTUFAIL, WhyXXXLink0
10PMTU estimates for each destination address of its peer MUST maintain separateFAIL, WhyXXXLink0
11Association PMTU is the smallest Path MTU of all destination addresses if its peer is multi-homedFAIL, WhyXXXLink0

This Report was generated by TAHI IPv6 Conformance Test Suite