SCTP Conformance Test For Chunk Bundling

Tool Version :REL_3_1_0
Test Program Version :REL_1_0_0

Start:2009/02/12 16:27:43
End :2009/02/12 16:29:41

No.Title ResultLogScriptPacketDump

Handle control chunks

1INIT chunk is received bundled with DATA chunkPASSXXXLink0
2INIT-ACK chunk is received bundled with DATA chunkPASSXXXLink0
3SHUTDOWN-COMPLETE chunk is received bundled with DATA chunkPASSXXXLink0

Handle DATA chunks

4COOKIE-ECHO chunk is received bundled with DATA chunk as the first chunkPASSXXXLink0
5COOKIE-ACK chunk is received bundled with DATA chunk as the first chunkPASSXXXLink0

Handle Out of the Blue Packets

6SHUTDOWN-ACK chunk is received bundled with COOKIE-ACK chunkFAIL, WhyXXXLink0

This Report was generated by TAHI IPv6 Conformance Test Suite